Designing for agreeable futures.

I use research lead design to catalyze change & introduce fiction & imagination where it is most needed. Primarily interested in shaking up status quo, augmenting diverse voices, and visualizing future scenarios.

I also sometimes work in the present.

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Startup | Client Antwork | 2019

Re-imagining how we interact with Co-working Spaces

We redesigned the value proposition by breaking the traditional “plans” and integrating autonomy & ownership in this shared co-working space.


Business | Client Recycle Beirut | 2018

Presenting to the EU Parliament Green Party a circular economy Innovation strategy

We researched & designed a future service & step by step strategy to kickstart the circular economy, combat refugee crisis & decrease the environmental decline.

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Ed-Tech | Client Hello Ruby | 2015

Connecting children globally through technology play activities.

We designed a communication strategy through diary studies, games and personas, to engage children on social media.


Non Profit | Client Unicef | 2018

Setting up youth for entrepreneurship success for Unicef Lebanon

We redesigned the youth entrepreneurship curriculum for Unicef Lebanon with service design studio Continuum.

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Experimental | Personal

Designing a mockup for a time travel app

Because why not.

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Research Methodology | Trust Timeline | 2013

Mixed Research Methods: Visualizing feelings in the research process.

We created an interview tool for asking focused, personal questions about trust towards higher institutions.


Earlier projects


Service Design | Client GSMA | 2014

Helping farmers in rural areas receive timely crop information through their GSM operated mobile phone.

I supported in the creation of The mAgri Toolkit while working at Frog Design to give timely information to farmers in rural areas in 6 countries.


Design Strategy | Client Hivos Arc Programme | 2019

Designing a workshop model leading up to a service pilot for artisans to keep making a living with craft.

We designed a training curriculum, a profitable service, and sustainable strategy to save craftworker’s livelihoods in their communities.

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Design Thinking | Client Paradis D’enfant | 2012

Designing a new app for Design Week.

The app is based around how people walk in the city and where they interact in the daily program.

Experiments / Exhibitions / Futures Research

Design Futures + Strategic Foresight

Co-creating different scenarios, products, and realities in the near future with foresight & speculative design methods.

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Workshop | Speculative Needs | 2016-2018

Conducting futures-scenario building workshops for designers with provotypes.

Engaging designers in envisioning near-future scenarios through speculative design methods.

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Product / Interaction Design | Presence Timer | 2015

A timer that adresses the attention economy.

We designed this socially connected timer as research into calm technology & reflection in a hyper connected world.

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Exhibition | The World Vote | 2018

A participatory voting exhibition to engage people in possible near-futures.

We used trend research and foresight to design an auditory exhibition to make people reflect on how technology might affect their life in the next couple of years.